Every year during Labor Day weekend, I attend DragonCon in Atlanta, one of the largest pop culture conventions in the United States. While it’s not the largest and the most widely known, it is my version of a costuming Super Bowl. As I’m currently on my way to Atlanta for this year’s convention, I’m taking a look back at what I (including my husband, niece, and close friends I helped make costumes for) wore last year in Atlanta. Last year, I brought NINE costumes for four days…spoiler alert: it was way too much, I’ll admit!
DragonCon 2018 Costume Schedule
Thursday Day – Battlestar Galactica (Space Force)
Thursday Evening – Marvel inspired Burlesque Loki, Kilted Hawkeye, and Burlesque Aqualass
Friday Day – Amazon Warrior, Menalippe, and Soldier from Wonder Woman
Friday Evening – Artemisia and Leisure Themistocles from 300: Rise of an Empire
Saturday Morning (Parade) – Artemisia and Leisure Themistocles from 300: Rise of an Empire
Saturday Evening – Disney’s Peter Pan inspired 18th Century Captain Hook, Smee, and Wendy
Saturday Evening Late – Art inspired Ancient Wonder Woman
Sunday Day – Rey, Dark Rey, Jedi, and Jawa from Star Wars
Sunday Evening – Bellas, John, and Gail from Pitch Perfect 3
Battlestar Galactica (Space Force)
We brought back our Battlestar Galactica pilot costumes, but this year added cheeky Space Force hats. They’re comfortable, easy to get in and out of, and almost Atlanta-heat-proof. If you’d like to see the costume builds on the pilot costume and the Space Force addition, you can find them here and here, respectively.

Marvel inspired Burlesque Loki, Kilted Hawkeye, and Burlesque Aqualass
We also brought back our Marvel inspired burlesque and kilted superheros/villains. They’re fun, striking, and look great in a group. If you’d like to see the builds for these costumes, you can find Burlesque Loki here, Burlesque Aqualass here, and Kilted Hawkeye here.

Amazon Warrior, Menalippe, and Soldier from Wonder Woman
New to DragonCon last year were our Amazon costumes from Wonder Woman. Aimee and I built my warrior and her Menalippe together, and I purchased my husband’s soldier uniform reproduction on eBay. I also helped Tina with her Hippolyta costume, particularly her gorgeous gold linen cape. If you’d like to see how I made her cape, it can be found here. I haven’t posted any warrior or Menalippe builds yet, because Aimee and I have both been really busy with work and moving. I also think I’d like to remake my warrior breastplate with leather or maybe just foam. I couldn’t quite get the worbla on foam smooth enough without adding unnecessary bulk to my already cumbersome chest. Stay tuned for that…

Artemisia and Leisure Themistocles from 300: Rise of an Empire
Making another return are both of my Artemisia costumes and Jerome’s Themistocles from 300: Rise of an Empire. We marched with the 300dc Spartans for Friday night’s Reveal and again Saturday morning in the parade. On Friday night I wore my gold Artemisia dress and on Saturday I brought back the red Artemisia dress. You can find builds for all three costumes in the links above.

Disney’s Peter Pan inspired 18th Century Captain Hook, Smee, and Wendy
Saturday night we attended DragonCon Night at the Aquarium as 18th century Disney inspired characters. We took full advantage of the venue’s air conditioning, and loosely dressed in theme as Captain Hook, Mr. Smee, and Wendy. This was my second attempt at assembling and embellishing 18th century gentlemen’s frock coats, and scaling one of them down to fit my female form. If you’re interested in the build for my Hook or Jerome’s Smee, let me know in the comments below and I’ll work it into the blog schedule!

Art inspired Ancient Wonder Woman
Three costumes in one day is never a good idea, but stubborn as I am, I changed into my Pinterest inspired ancient Wonder Woman costume after the aquarium. Diana Prince has never looked to tired! For better pictures of this costume, you can find them, and the build, here.

Rey, Dark Rey, Jedi, and Jawa from Star Wars
We spent the better part of Sunday in our Star Wars costumes, perfectly comfortable to walk around the vendor halls in. I love this ensemble! Aimee and I wore Scavenger Rey and Dark Rey, respectively. My husband wore his Jedi, and our niece wore her Jawa. You can find builds for all four costumes in the links above.

Bellas, John, and Gail from Pitch Perfect 3
Maybe obscure to you, but beloved to me, is the Pitch Perfect franchise. We’ve costumed the first two films in prior years, but this year we had an even bigger group costume the third film. Aimee, Tina, and I were Bellas, my husband was John, and our niece was Gail. I’d love to share the Bellas costume build with you if you’re interested (let me know in the comments below), as well as the last minute throw-together costumes for John and Gail. We had so much fun with these!

Previously Posted:
Ghosts of Costumes Past: DragonCon 2016
Ghosts of Costumes Past: DragonCon 2015