Everyday/Emergency Car Kits: Emergency Supplies Checklist

I was prompted to update and consolidate my emergency car kits due to recent hurricanes in Texas, ice storms, tax day floods in Houston, and cleaning out my car to sell.  On a scale from Tide Pod eater to zombie apocalypse survivor, I probably fall just under zombie apocalypse survivor…meaning I probably wouldn’t survive a full-scale zombie attack, but I’m pretty well prepared for most emergency scenarios in Texas (and the southern states, for that matter).  I’ve made a checklist for three scenarios: roadside assistance, having to spend the night in my car, or abandoning my car completely and walking home.



Unfortunately (and fortunately), I have spent the night in my car during Tropical Storm Allison in 2001, and my car kit at the time came in handy while I was stranded overnight by flood waters.  I’ve since updated the gear and survival items, and I’ve included what some call a “bugout bag” or “get home bag” for situations when driving home is just not an option.  From my workplace to my home is a 20 mile distance (6 hour walk in ideal conditions), so I had to really think about what would be comfortable and useful for that trek.  I’ve shared my checklist below, including some Amazon links to items I have in my kit (like the roadside assistance kit).  Please remember to adjust this checklist to your geographic area, potential emergency situations, and family’s needs.  Just be prepared!



Download Free PDF Everyday/Emergency Car Kits (Emergency Supplies Checklist) here: CarKits


More Packing Lists and my Harvey Survivor’s Story:

Cruise Packing Lists: Backpack & Rolling Suitcase Packing Checklists

Carry-On Suitcase Packing List (Packing Checklist for the Overhead Bin)

Carry-On Bag Packing List (Packing Checklist for Under the Seat)

My Week with Harvey: A Survivor’s Story


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4 Replies to “Everyday/Emergency Car Kits: Emergency Supplies Checklist”

  1. Living in MN this a great reminder! I need to up my game in all our cars. Thanks for the post!

    1. Welcome! Don’t forget cold weather supplies for your area (it RARELY freezes here)!

  2. I keep a few essentials in my car but this list reveals a lot of gaps to fill!

    1. Thanks Jazzmine, happy to help!

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