It’s almost too cute for the dumpster fire that is 2020. My blogging bestie Miranda from Spooky Little Halloween came over for a socially distanced happy hour last night, and we made felt creatures while we visited. In that time I stitched this little 2020 voodoo doll as a new pin cushion (tomato pin cushions are so last year). Here’s how I made this cute little dude…

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Miranda and my husband planned a beer tasting of Saint Arnold Pumpkinator, a seasonal favorite. She brought a bottle of pumpkin wine from Three Lakes in Wisconsin for me, and he made his turkey meatballs as a pairing. Because one should imbibe for any kind of crafting, especially in a pandemic.
I have an abundance of 4″ felt squares, so I digitized a voodoo doll pattern for myself, a bat for her, and a Frankenstein head for him. Normally I’d upload patterns here, but in this case anyone should be able to freehand (imbibing or not) a voodoo doll…it pretty much just looks like a drunk gingerbread man.
Felt squares: flic-flac 44PCS 4 x 4 inches (10 x10cm) Assorted Color Felt Fabric Sheets Patchwork Sewing DIY Craft 1mm Thick
I cut two drunk gingerbread man pieces (for front and back) in contrasting colors, and one little pink heart, unintentionally wonky and unintentionally cute. With emrboidery thread, I sewed on two random buttons for eyes, a stitchy smile (because let’s face it, we’ve had enough frowns this year), and a few little stitches in the legs. Wanting to give him hair without much effort, I stitched in a tassel at the top of his head while attaching the back piece, then stitched all the way around, leaving enough room for stuffing.
Embroidery thread: (Peirich Embroidery Floss 62 Skeins Friendship Bracelets Floss with Black White Cross Stitch Floss Embroidery Thread, Embroidery Needles,12 Pieces Floss Bobbins)
Tassel: VAPKER 100 Pieces Black Tassels 13cm/5-Inch Silky
I used the blunt end of a chopstick to stuff this guy’s little limbs with ground up wine corks and stitched the rest of his head closed. I’m sure you’re shocked to know I have a surplus of wine corks, so it was partly surplus, and partly that corks hold pins a lot better than polyester pillow stuffing. I digress…

Isn’t he darling?!
Please follow me on Instagram @redshoesredwine for almost daily updates, adventures, and stories! All tutorials, patterns, travel tips, and packing lists are provided free on my blog. I do not charge for them nor allow advertising on my site, but if you would like to donate towards my domain/hosting costs or craft supplies, consider buying me a “coffee”: -Thank you, and cheers!