While making marmalade last year with my costuming friend Tina and my blogging bestie Miranda from Spooky Little Halloween, we booked a Halloween cruise under the influence of a lot of alcohol (as one does). And then we convinced our other blogging bestie, Cheyenne from Sense & Serendipity to sell find a sitter for her kids and come along…and the rest is history! […]
travel tips
Halloween Cruise? Don’t Mind if I Boo! (Part 1: The Cruise)

While making marmalade last year with my costuming friend Tina and my blogging bestie Miranda from Spooky Little Halloween, we booked a Halloween cruise under the influence of a lot of alcohol (as one does). And then we convinced our other blogging bestie, Cheyenne from Sense & Serendipity to sell find a sitter for her kids and come along…and the […]
An Onboard Cruise Excursion: Whisky Masterclass on Carnival

Best thing I do in the first 24 hours on a cruise ship is walk each deck looking for hangouts and first day deals. This seasoned cruise veteran, wine taster, and whisky lover is here to remind you that this is how you find out about fun tastings, classes, and other onboard activities. On one […]
Fall Newsletter & Quarterly Round-Up

It’s Fall, Y’all! Well, it doesn’t really feel like fall down here in Houston, but we’re ready!! It’s been a busy quarter for me, but when is it ever not?! We’re settled into our new home, I’m sewing like a mad woman, and we’re gearing up for what is already a busy holiday season. Here’s […]
Summer Newsletter & Quarterly Round-Up

Happy Summer! Has it really been three months?! We’ve been so busy with the move, getting our old home ready for the market, and squeezing in a few trips that these past three months have flown! As I write this I’m on a cruise ship somewhere in the southern Caribbean, and it has been a […]
Spring Newsletter & Quarterly Round-Up

Happy Spring! We’re moving! Not the blog, don’t worry. My husband and I are selling our home in the suburbs and moving closer to Downtown Houston this Spring. So I hope you’ll tolerate and forgive less-than-punctual blog posts, newsletters, and basically me forgetting to brush my teeth until this transition is over. I’m seriously sleep […]
One Night in Brussels

When my husband, friends, and I flew to Paris to attend a wedding in Germany, we enjoyed high speed train travel between pre- and post- wedding destinations such as Frankfurt, Amsterdam, and Paris. Brussels was our last stop before returning back to Paris for our flight home, and a short stop it was! Like in […]
Packing Light: My Toiletry Kit

A short road trip with a good friend and late night wine fueled girls cruise planning prompted me to share not only packing light in general (you know I never check a bag) but more specifically, my toiletry kit. It’s small, packed with ALL the necessities, fits ridiculously well in between shoes in a carry-on […]
Charmed by Amsterdam

I never really cared to visit Amsterdam, or at least, it wasn’t on the top of my travel bucket list. So when my husband, friends, and I traveled to Germany for a wedding, we collectively decided to travel via high speed train from Paris, and we would visit a few other cities while we were […]
Giving Paris a Second Chance

I’ll be honest, my first impression of Paris was a bad one. It took two more trips to finally understand why people love the city. When I gave Paris a second chance, we flew into Charles de Gaulle, explored the city for a night and a day, and then took a high speed train to […]