When my husband, friends, and I flew to Paris to attend a wedding in Germany, we enjoyed high speed train travel between pre- and post- wedding destinations such as Frankfurt, Amsterdam, and Paris. Brussels was our last stop before returning back to Paris for our flight home, and a short stop it was! Like in […]
photo diary
Charmed by Amsterdam

I never really cared to visit Amsterdam, or at least, it wasn’t on the top of my travel bucket list. So when my husband, friends, and I traveled to Germany for a wedding, we collectively decided to travel via high speed train from Paris, and we would visit a few other cities while we were […]
Giving Paris a Second Chance

I’ll be honest, my first impression of Paris was a bad one. It took two more trips to finally understand why people love the city. When I gave Paris a second chance, we flew into Charles de Gaulle, explored the city for a night and a day, and then took a high speed train to […]