When my husband, friends, and I flew to Paris to attend a wedding in Germany, we enjoyed high speed train travel between pre- and post- wedding destinations such as Frankfurt, Amsterdam, and Paris. Brussels was our last stop before returning back to Paris for our flight home, and a short stop it was! Like in […]
historical place
Charmed by Amsterdam

I never really cared to visit Amsterdam, or at least, it wasn’t on the top of my travel bucket list. So when my husband, friends, and I traveled to Germany for a wedding, we collectively decided to travel via high speed train from Paris, and we would visit a few other cities while we were […]
Capturing Savannah: A Photo Tour Review

A guest blog post by Tracy Waking at 5:00 a.m. while on vacation is not generally my idea of a good time. As the alarm so rudely blared that Tuesday morning, I wondered what on Earth had possessed me to schedule a tour at such an ungodly hour. I was still questioning myself as I […]
Visiting Oak Alley Plantation near New Orleans

Usually when I visit New Orleans (read about highlights here), I drive there from Houston. An easy detour on the way there or back is a stop at one of Louisiana’s iconic plantations, Oak Alley Plantation. This antebellum plantation, featured in Interview with a Vampire, is as lovely in person as it was on film. […]
A Weekend Getaway in Fredericksburg

Every year for our anniversary, my husband and I usually go on a cruise. However this March we are going on a big cruise for my 40th birthday (yeah that’s not a typo, I’m still trying to wrap my head around it myself). And by big I mean many many vacation days planned, several countries on the […]