Heirloom Restoration

My family has experienced a lot of tragedies this past year+, including a monster hurricane damaging my grandmother’s home in Louisiana, and then losing my grandmother and my mother most recently. Because of the water damage following the hurricane, I couldn’t handle being in the house after the storm. Physically or mentally. But my mother, with more sentimental fortitude than I have, stubbornly salvaged some antique furniture and dishes, oil paintings, and my grandmother’s handwritten and typed recipe collection. She did good. I feel pretty awful about the things that were destroyed, given away, left behind, or just lost to time. But of the things we brought home to my house, I’m going to restore them one piece at a time and post them on the blog. 

This darling little hand carved baby chair was my grandmother’s (at least), salvaged from her home post-hurricane, cleaned up, and recently repainted the pretty pink that I always remembered. This is the first of many pieces I’ve kept and will make my own. It was hand-carved, and the seat is probably deer skin. It has many coats of paint by my grandmother, so I just added another one in a matte blush pink. I also added pads on the feet to protect the wooden shelf where it sits in my craft room.

I won’t go back and edit this post until I’m finished with every single piece, but you’ll see everything I’ve posted from the whole series by clicking here: Heirloom Restoration or by following the corresponding board on Pinterest.

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