Costuming Peli Motto from The Mandalorian

Most women who watch The Mandalorian and cosplay would chose to make a Cara Dune costume, and while that also might be me (I’ll come back to that later), I love love love Peli Motto even more. This spicy space mechanic, played by Amy Sedaris if you squint, repairs ships at the spaceport of Mos Eisley on the planet Tatooine, and showed up for the first time in chapter 5 of season 1. By the time she showed up again in chapter 9 and 10 of season 2, I was ordering orange coveralls on Amazon, completely consumed by making her costume. This post is just some fun pictures taken by my husband at an abandoned warehouse near our home.

[Related: Peli Motto: The Teal DickyPeli Motto: The Coveralls, and Peli Motto: The Finishing Touches]

I made this costume as a fun “not quite screen accurate but close enough” drinking costume intended for costume conventions (looking at you, DragonCon) and May the Fourth parties. As a fourty-something year old, I find it both hilarious and refreshing that I can throw on this costume with minimal prep, and not give a frack about the wrinkles on my face or my old lady neck. I just have to cover up my Disney villain eyebrows a little bit, and add some unflattering shading to my hairline and face. Screw waist shapers, corsets, false eyelashes, miles of make-up, and other conspicuousness. This, my friends, is the opposite of a sexy body suit comic book cosplay and I’m all about it!

If you’ve found this post from an online search and are building your own Peli Motto, I’ve also posted how I made and/or sourced the teal shirt (or dicky, aka false shirtfront) underneath, the coveralls, and the finishing touches (accessories, wig, greeblies). Check out those posts below!

Peli Motto: The Teal Dicky

Peli Motto: The Coveralls

Peli Motto: The Finishing Touches

Now please enjoy my dumb face in a terrible wig making unattractive faces below!

Once this pandemic is over, I hope to see you all at a future convention. Maybe we’ll even have a Running of the Pelis. Cheers! -Sheila

Updated 2/1/21: I ended up joining Rebel Legion and submitted this costume, and I’m proud to report it has been the first Peli Motto approved in the Legion! Thank the Force! Looking forward to Kessel Base troops in the Houston area when it is safe to gather in person again.

“If this thing ever divides or buds, I will gladly pay for the offspring.”  – Peli Motto

from The Mandalorian

Other Star Wars costumes on the blog:

Costuming a Jawa from Star Wars

Costuming a Jedi from Star Wars

Costuming Rey from Star Wars: Shirt & Pants

Costuming Rey from Star Wars: Jacket & Gauntlets

Costuming Rey from Star Wars: Belt & Accessories

Costuming Dark Rey (Concept) from Star Wars

Peli Motto: The Teal Dicky

Peli Motto: The Coveralls

Peli Motto: The Finishing Touches

Please follow me on Instagram @redshoesredwine for almost daily updates, adventures, and stories! All tutorials, patterns, travel tips, and packing lists are provided free on my blog. I do not charge for them nor allow advertising on my site, but if you would like to donate towards my domain/hosting costs or craft supplies, consider buying me a “coffee”: -Thank you, and cheers!

12 Replies to “Costuming Peli Motto from The Mandalorian”

  1. This is so awesome.

  2. I would not have guessed that her coveralls were orange based off the images from the show. LOL This is awesome!

    1. Happy to help! I like the idea that maybe she repurposed an old x-wing fighter suit and just got it REEEEEEEAAAALLY dirty.

  3. Yooooo thank you for putting this together! I wanna cosplay Peli after that BOBF finale. She’s rad af.

  4. Marie Cohen says: Reply

    I made this for the Anaheim WonderCon and it was a big hit! Once I hooked up with a Mandolorean we got mobbed for pictures. Thank you so much!

    1. Awesome Marie!!

  5. Second approved Peli in the Legion. Kessel Base for the win! Thanks for the help. I did the boots differently, but otherwise very similar build. Thanks again. 🙂

    1. HELL YEAH!!! I think I saw your build in the Peli group on fb, but I haven’t been on social media much lately. Excellent job carrying the torch!!

      1. I don’t use FB and am not in the group and didn’t do a build thread, so not me!

        But thanks! It was a fun and less involved build than I thought it would be. And cheap for me, as I had most stuff laying around.

        1. PERFECTION, that makes it even more awesome!

          1. Right? Thanks. It’s very Peli. 😉

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