A Livestream with Costume CO on YouTube

Over the weekend I did a YouTube livestream with Costume Cinemato (on Twitter and on YouTube).  Heidi prepared a lineup of my costumes from several genres, and we talked about costume/cosplay inspiration, materials, techniques, the awkwardness of duct taping each other for patterns, and killing curtains.  And I didn’t even break out in hives or throw up…



Brace yourself for an almost two hour episode, because we talked about a lot of costumes!  Here’s what we covered during the livestream (and links to the tutorials if on the blog):


Game of Thrones


Battlestar Galacticta

300: Rise of an Empire

Wonder Woman

Black Sails


Burlesque Loki

Star Wars

18th Century Peter Pan


Long list, right?  That was so much fun to chat about!



Grab your popcorn, a LARGE glass of wine, and check out the livestream replay!

Costume CO Livestream w/ Guest Sheila Echols-Smesny @RedShoesRedWine



Surprisingly, this was only a small sampling of my work, so more costumes made and/or worn by me (mostly tutorials) are on the blog here: https://redshoesredwine.com/category/geekery/costuming/ and here: https://www.pinterest.com/RedShoesRedWine/red-shoes-red-wine/costumes-ive-madeworn/

My costume planning playground has always been Pinterest, so if you’re on Pinterest, find my costume related boards: Costume Corner and Historical Costuming for past projects and future sneak peaks.



The costumes featured in the livestream were all prior to this year’s DragonCon in Atlanta (2018).  Heidi and I chatted offline about the list of costumes I’ll be making starting this winter and next year (so far), so maybe I’ll do another livestream with her about some of these.  The planned costumes are:

  • Vanessa Ives from Penny Dreadful
  • Italian Renaissance dress
  • Claire Season 3 Waistcoat/Riding Habit (yes, the “Bat Suit”)
  • Star Wars’ KOTOR Atris
  • Dame Vaako from Chronicles of Riddick
  • Disney inspired Jafar from Aladdin
  • Dryden Vos from Solo: A Star Wars Story
  • Versailles court dress (and accompanying gentleman)



Anyway, despite being extremely nervous to be on camera even for a second, Heidi was wonderful and made me feel at ease, and I’d be happy to livestream with her again.  It was fun!  Thanks, Heidi @CostumeCO!

2 Replies to “A Livestream with Costume CO on YouTube”

  1. Wow, Sheila, now that I look at it in writing, we covered a lot on the show But it went by so quickly because it was so fascinating and lots of great info about your process. Perfect for anyone just starting out to the more advanced sewer who wants to learn some of your hints and tricks.

    1. Thanks Heidi! Yeah we did! I can’t believe we covered so much! And it didn’t feel like it was that long at all. Can’t wait to see Natasha’s on Saturday, she’s soooo good!

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