This cosplay was a long time coming. My niece’s favorite horror film is The Shining, and she had asked about costuming the Grady twins/sisters for maybe Halloween, Comicpalooza, or DragonCon. Trying to take the easy route, I ordered a set of dresses from an online retailer, and they were terrible! I returned them immediately and […]
From Bunny to Bat Ears

Continuing the pandemic era sewing and craft projects, I upcycled bunny ears into a pair of bat ears. My blogging bestie Miranda from Spooky Little Halloween and I went on a Halloween cruise in 2019 and were given bunny ears in Roatan, Honduras. Weird, right? Me being the craft hoarder that I am, I took them […]
Sewing My First Robe à la Française

In preparation for Fetes Galantes 2020 (yes, the one the pandemic canceled), I made a robe à la française, or sack-back gown, mock-up to wrap my brain around the confusing construction of this garment that had intimidated me at first sight. I hand stitched, machine stitched, and learned a lot along the way. I ended up finishing […]
Sewing 18th Century Garters

Last year while working on my gown and accessories for Fetes Galantes (yes, the one the pandemic canceled), I made four sets of 18th century ribbon garters. I made two pair for myself, and two sets for friends who were also going to attend the event. They were quick, easy, and so pretty! Here’s how […]
An 18th Century Bergère Hat Upgrade

Several years ago I trimmed an 18th century bergère (a flat-brimmed straw hat with a shallow crown) rather modestly for a Claire inspired Outlander costume. I’ve since never worn it. So last year while working on my gown and accessories for Fetes Galantes (yes, the one the pandemic canceled), I upgraded my hat using The American Duchess […]
Sewing 18th Century Chemise & Stays

Hard to believe a year ago this month I was busy making my 18th century chemise and stays in preparation for Fetes Galantes at Versailles. And then the pandemic happened and I got as far as the mock-up for my robe a la francaise. With no idea when things will normalize, globally, as least I’m […]
Portrait of a Quidditch Player: A Costume Analysis

Last year I visited The Wizarding World of Harry Potter for the first time. While there, we rode Harry Potter and the Forbidden Journey and shopped at Diagon Alley. Being somewhat of a quidditch costume enthusiast, I was pretty excited to see the full Gryffindor Quidditch costume featured in the ride on display at Quality […]
For the Love of Linen: Luciana Dress Pattern Review

I usually sew costumes, not clothing intended for long wear. But the one time Facebook direct marketed an ad in my feed that was spot on was an ad for Fabrics-Store. I love working with linen, and it’s stupid hot here in Houston so linen is an ideal fabric for this climate. So I created […]
Oktoberfest Dirndl, but Make It Witchy

How many dirndls are too many? What started with one dirndl to wear to a wedding reception in Germany became several to wear to Texas Renaissance Festival and Oktoberfest events here in Texas…so why not make one a little more witchy for a dirndl group at Costume College? Following yesterday’s post on my 1950’s McGonagall […]
Wizardbounding 1950’s McGonagall

After finishing my McGonagall costume last year, a mountain of a project, I had a lot of spare olive fabric, both striped and pintucked. When we made plans to run a half marathon in Orlando, we also made plans to visit Wizarding World of Harry Potter. I wasn’t sure wizardbounding was a thing, but I […]