Well, an attempt was made. Riding a high from the peanut butter fudge success, I successfully screwed up the second recipe in the Nonna’s Recipes series, my great-grandmother Mawmaw’s divinity that my grandmother Nonna made every Christmas. I remember her struggling with it when the humidity was too high, so living in Houston, I’m already set up […]
peanut butter
Nonna’s Peanut Butter Fudge

First in the Nonna’s Recipes series is my great-grandmother Mawmaw’s peanut butter fudge that my grandmother Nonna made every Christmas. I have fond memories of her making it (and divinity) and fuzzy memories of my sugar buzz after eating as much as possible. So this recipe was easy to recreate since I distinctly remember the […]
Easy DIY No-Bake PB&Banana Dog Treats

One new habit I’ve picked up during this pandemic is homemade dog treats for the fur babies. These are no bake, easy to find or already on-hand ingredients, quick prep, and easily stored frozen pops! Pinterest inspired and modified from Moments with Mandi, here’s my recipe and quick prep: PB&Banana Frozen Dog Treats ~1 cup […]