It warms my heart when friends and family tell me they look forward to our Christmas card every year or that ours was the coolest. The end of the year is the most stressful time for me, so making these cards as a “year in review” is a satisfying reflection that makes all the stress […]
hobby lobby
Christmas Cards Upcycled/Repurposed into Gift Tags (DIY)

Don’t throw away those Christmas cards! Not to hoard or anything (that’s what we tell people, but really, this is a judge-free zone), but those cards with the pretty fronts can be reused next year as gift tags. I saw the idea on Pinterest and was happy to find that I already had all the supplies […]
Wine Label Mache: Stickers for Adults

I hoard the oddest things. Unused wine labels are one of the things I collect and tuck away for some unknown use in the future. Last month at French Country Wines in Houston during National Rose Day, I was inspired by a wine label covered pup in their winery. Finally, something I can use wine […]
Wedding Things and Stuff for Other People

After doing my own wedding, a dear friend of mine asked me to help her with some minor wedding reception decor and favors. I was much obliged to help her enhance the wine theme that she had begun working on. Enophilia was already a big part of Monica and Bret’s lives together, as they had […]
Costuming Artemisia from 300: Rise of an Empire

About a year ago I joined a fitness group (well…a fitness group with an interest in cosplay) that gets together once a year for DragonCon in Atlanta. When I joined I just wanted to stay on the perimeter and be the introvert that I am. As a newer member of the Spartans (300dc), I thought […]