In preparation for Fetes Galantes 2020 (yes, the one the pandemic canceled), I made a robe à la française, or sack-back gown, mock-up to wrap my brain around the confusing construction of this garment that had intimidated me at first sight. I hand stitched, machine stitched, and learned a lot along the way. I ended up finishing […]
grand panniers
Sewing 18th Century Chemise & Stays

Hard to believe a year ago this month I was busy making my 18th century chemise and stays in preparation for Fetes Galantes at Versailles. And then the pandemic happened and I got as far as the mock-up for my robe a la francaise. With no idea when things will normalize, globally, as least I’m […]
Grand Pannier: What Not to Do

Have you ever screwed up a sewing project so horribly that you want to burn it, and the house down? Just me? I made every mistake possible while attempting my 18th century grand pannier, because although I have pocket hoops/side panniers for my sack-back gown or robe à la française, I wanted options. I’ve no business giving any advise […]