After the Fetes Galantes ball at Versailles was cancelled two years in a row due to the pandemic, I wanted to put my red robe à la française to good use for DragonCon in Atlanta. And my friends Jessi and Paige from Cosplay and Cocktails inspired me to make my own Rococo costume(s) with a geeky […]
fetes galantes
Sewing My First Robe à la Française

In preparation for Fetes Galantes 2020 (yes, the one the pandemic canceled), I made a robe à la française, or sack-back gown, mock-up to wrap my brain around the confusing construction of this garment that had intimidated me at first sight. I hand stitched, machine stitched, and learned a lot along the way. I ended up finishing […]
Sewing 18th Century Garters

Last year while working on my gown and accessories for Fetes Galantes (yes, the one the pandemic canceled), I made four sets of 18th century ribbon garters. I made two pair for myself, and two sets for friends who were also going to attend the event. They were quick, easy, and so pretty! Here’s how […]
An 18th Century Bergère Hat Upgrade

Several years ago I trimmed an 18th century bergère (a flat-brimmed straw hat with a shallow crown) rather modestly for a Claire inspired Outlander costume. I’ve since never worn it. So last year while working on my gown and accessories for Fetes Galantes (yes, the one the pandemic canceled), I upgraded my hat using The American Duchess […]
Sewing 18th Century Chemise & Stays

Hard to believe a year ago this month I was busy making my 18th century chemise and stays in preparation for Fetes Galantes at Versailles. And then the pandemic happened and I got as far as the mock-up for my robe a la francaise. With no idea when things will normalize, globally, as least I’m […]
Hair Cushions: An Experimental Book Review of The American Duchess Guide to 18th Century Beauty

I’m no stranger to 18th century costuming, but my knowledge is relatively new and limited to Outlander and Black Sails, and I am still learning (always). I attended Costume College last month and sat in on the 18th century beauty lecture led by Lauren Stowell and Abby Cox from American Duchess. My husband, friends, and […]