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A guest blog post by one of my T. Rex wearing friends who wishes to remain anonymous
After a few events in our T. Rex suits, we realized deflation (and slow re-inflation) was an issue with some suits. Since the suits are one size fits most, they sit differently on everyone. Some of the wearers have skinnier ankles and wrists than others, some are freakishly tall or freakishly short. Some get hugged and stepped on more than others. Also, it is worth noting that the battery life of the single fan is about 3-4 hours. Well what if we want to dance ALL night? A simple solution was to install a second fan. Turbo T. Rexes! Here’s how it’s done…
Step 1: Purchase additional fan. I bought mine off eBay ( but you can also find it on Amazon (Mini Fan Blower – TOOGOO(R) Mini Fan Blower for Mascot Head Inflatable Costume 6V Powered by Dry Battery).
Step 2: General items you will need (below). I didn’t have dark duct tape, so I used the wide black tape before the red, just in case it showed through. If you have normal duct tap you should be good with that.
Step 3: General size of hole to cut.
Step 4: Measure to same spot on opposite side of suit. Use something to trace hole. Cut (recommended just a few millimeters smaller).
Step 5: Use some tape (I used electrical because it is a little more pliable) to wrap the edge of the whole to help prevent tearing.
Step 6: Tape back side well. Again, I used two kinds of tape but if you have good duct tape, that should be all you need.
Step 7: Insert new fan.
Step 8: Gently trim around edges (if needed) and/or push tap tight against fan body, so that the lock-ring will fit on the next step.
Step 9: Twist on lock-ring. If it will not go on without a lot of force go back to step 8.
Step 10: Admire your work.
Step 11: Take selfies.
Step 11: Rock out with confidence that you won’t deflate!
Anonymous, Guest Blogger
Other T. Rex adventures on Red Shoes. Red Wine.
T. Rex Shenanigans (The Beginning)
How to Increase Your T. Rex Suit Awesomeness (Installing a 2nd Fan)
Lost a T. Rex Hand? Make Your Own Replacement Hands!
Enchanted Rock Trip Report: Camping, T. Rexing, & Wine Tasting
Ghosts of Costumes Past: DragonCon 2016
Please follow me on Instagram @redshoesredwine for almost daily updates, adventures, and stories! All tutorials, patterns, travel tips, and packing lists are provided free on my blog. I do not charge for them nor allow advertising on my site, but if you would like to donate towards my domain/hosting costs or craft supplies, consider buying me a “coffee”: -Thank you, and cheers!
This is great thanks! any tips for eating or drinking or staying cool?
Hi Jenn! We’ve tried wearing a camel bak wth ice water and that seems to help. Also..synthetic running or workout clothes underneath! Have fun!
Looking to add a little femininity to my t rex costume. Anyone have a link to accessories? Something like a necklace or skirt…
Necklaces are good, pearls maybe. Skirts are tricky if they cover up the fan. Have fun!
I lost one of my gloves. Any replacement ideas?
Hi Jackie! I’ve been wanting to do a replacement glove tutorial on the blog – I even bought supplies and digitized the skin pattern but wasn’t sure there was any interest. I’m sorry you lost a glove but I’d be happy to do a replacement tutorial! Would that be helpful?
Yes please! I lost one of my hands too!
I’ll get on it!
Hi Crystal! I made a replacement hands pattern! Here:
Hi Jackie! I made a replacement hands pattern! Here:
Any chance you sell the replacement hands already made? I’m not sure that I am crafty enough to pull this off.
Hi Karyn! Unfortunately my close friend lost her Rex hands recently, so she has my spare pair. I think at a minimum the orange rip-stop hands would be easy(ish) to make without painting the scale/skin patterns. Even with hand sewing! Or black mittens maybe?
Have you found a way to minimize the fog up? I’m short so my face is right in front of the bottom viewer and it fogs up so quick!
Hi Sarah! Unfortunately no, and I’ve noticed in my squad of 12 Rexes that some people fog up more than others. Maybe due to individual’s hydration and CO2 output if I had to guess. I’ve never tried an anti-fog solution like you’d put on your windshield or glasses but I’d be very interested to hear if someone has!
I used an anti-fog spray on my T-Rex window and it dramatically reduced fogging for about 3 days of use (2-3 hours per day). Towards the end of the 3rd day, I noticed it fogging again and re-sprayed it.
I got one of those de-foggers for diving masks, and used it on two different suits for a total of three applications, and I think I still have enough for at least twenty more applications. I carried it with me to the T-Rex party in case anyone else needed to borrow it.
I just added a second fan following this guide. Thank you so much! Was wondering if you and/or your friends have problems with visibility? I find the upper part of the costume along with the windows sink to about my chest area. I have to keep my arms lifted & shoulders raised in order for me to see. I’m 5’2″ tall so not sure if it is a height issue, was thinking about trying to tape a sling or something inside to see if that can give it support to remain lifted while my arms are down.
Oh that’s awesome! Yes, our different heights do affect visibility (my eye level is right on the crack between the neck window and chin window, and I’m 5’6”). And some of my friends always fog up their windows. We just make do like the silly idiots we are. Would not recommend riding a bike or driving though LOL! Let me know how your sling works if you end up making one!
I just purchased two of these costumes and the fans on both costumes immediately broke with the slightest bit of running and jumping – one 10 minute west and run around in each – broken. So bummed – have you had this issue? Do you find the replacement fans work better?
Oh no that’s a huge bummer and the first I’ve heard! I’ve had my original suits with fans for years (my friends as well) and have worn them more times than I can count. The only issues we’ve seen is poor circulation on a couple, hence this post, and also delayed inflation in really cold weather. We’ve had to change batteries after every few wears but there all doing well overall. Hopefully replacement fans work better for you!
This past (2019) Dragoncon a lot of people were having their fans burn out or stop working. It seems like a lot of the newer replacement fans just have a short shelf life for usable hours, but I was wondering if you’ve done any comparisons between fans or any tutorials on fixing them, or even building a better fan?
Great tips, thank you Sargon! I’m sure I saw you guys at DragonCon. We haven’t done any comparisons between fans. It’s hard to put much trust in one little cheap fan. If it were me, I’d have a fan on each side so that if one shorts out or goes dead, the other side is still workable. And just rotate them out as needed. Please tell me you had one of the Marriott carpet Rexes
Have you ever tried using three fans? I bought my costume last year and wore it Halloween. I’m 5’ 7” and had trouble with air getting to inflate the head. Plus it was so hot. I know a second fan would help but wonder if it will be enough.
Hi Vicki! Haven’t tried 3 fans, just 2. Have you checked the seals on your wrists and ankles? That has been an issue with some of my friends. Also for heat, try a fan around your neck that circulates air around your face, and definitely wear athletic fabric that has moisture wicking. Cotton is probably the worst, linen is good, and running clothes best.
I am amazed that you and others get more than a few minutes of inflation. A friend bought me a Rex suit and if I’m lucky,, brand new batteries will get me 7 minutes of almost full inflation. I can’t seem to find a hole anywhere. Any suggestions? I ordered a 2nd fan and that hasn’t given any better results so it’s either me or the suit.
Weird! How are the elastic closures at your wrists and ankles? Might be exit points for air on you. A really tall friend had that problem. Maybe wear thicker socks and gloves?
I’ve tried thicker wool hiking socks and using hair ties on my wrists to seal it better. I just don’t get it. I’m only 5’2 so I was wondering if maybe I just don’t take up enough space in the costume.
Awww, my neice is the same height as you and she has no issues in the rex. Maybe have someone else try it on and see if it’s the suit that’s faulty.
Hi Sheila, just to let you know 5 years later your advice has paid dividends for this t-rex!
I first wore the costume last October for Halloween at Butlins in Skegness UK, and noticed the head wouldn’t stay fully up as a ran amock along the length of the site much to the joy of many, several low 5s and photos were taken.
A found your post last month and ordered the same fan, I’ve just this minute followed your advice and the second fan works well, too well!
Sadly it’ll be October again before this rex runs out.
Like you it was a sauna in there. And I’ve just found it, it needs a wash…….. any tips on this or is it going to be inside out with the ol’ damp rag. My suit doesn’t have the window, it open front where the head goes, I’m thinking I may need a camo mask..
Many thanks for your guide. From a 45 year old body with a 12 year old mind!!
Hey Darryll! So glad to hear of your rex shenanigans! Best advise from this pseudo-lazy 44 year old kid? You can clean it the way you’d deodorize a stinky camping tent: turn the rex inside out and spray it with a 50/50 vinegar and water solution, wipe if you feel like it, then let dry. Best of luck in your Jurassic adventures!
HI, Gail from CT here, I am an older kid 55 and counting, Went to my cousins wedding this past weekend, and at the end of the night, when everything was winding down, I danced my t-rex onto the reception dancefloor, and everyone loved it! I love to wear this costume everywhere! I am a big attention hound though, lol Thanks for this blog, I added an extra fan thanks to your directions, and what a difference it made!!! AWESOME!!! I will carry on playing a t-rex until I am extinct!
That’s AWESOME Gail!
Good instructions. This was a really good solution to this issue. I installed the second fan/blower and it works great.
Installation wasn’t too difficult. Just be sure to measure twice and cut once. The inside circle of the fan/blower makes a great template for cutting. I just screwed mine on over the fabric with it taught and cut on the inside.
Works really well! Rawr!!!
Thanks Mike! If I had a $ every time I should’ve measure twice and cut once but didn’t, all my sewing projects would be fully funded lol! Happy rexing!
I ended up buying a cheaper tree version from Walmart that needed some extra juice to keep the head upright. This worked great! Thx for posting!
That’s great!
In theory if I got a tee shirt big enough, would I be able to put that over the Inflatable dinosaur costume?
LOL! In theory, you might have to add gores (long triangles) on the side seams to make room for a Rex’s chonky gut. Just don’t cover up the fan(s).
My Trex worked great with only a fan for almost 2 years, but as i tried it on for a party tonight it is saggy and won’t fill full up. Unfortunately I won’t be able to try and install a new fan because I can’t find any stores nearby that sell those. Nonetheless, the idea is great and I’m definetly going to try as soon as my new fan comes in the mail lol
Oh, and the comments section is a delight. Thank you very much for posting this Sheila! I’ll be sure to check your other posts!
Kudos from Brazil
I’ve stumbled across your page as I’m trying to make giant underpants for my dinosaur for world book day (dinosaurs love underpants). Any advice? I’ve trying pinning some whilst making hubby wear it, but am failing miserably
OMGLOL, I did make giant swim shorts once, and it was a hot mess. Literally! I used hot glue and just cut and glued as I went. I had to inflate my Rex on a dress form but you could find someone to model it for you while you work.
Any advice for covering up a clear window on a costume? I didn’t realize the one I had had a see through window and I’m not gonna lie it makes the experience a bit less entertaining knowing that people can see my face in there :’D
Hmm, you could attach a black mesh fabric (like a mesh laundry bag from Amazon) to the inside so you can still see out and others wouldn’t see inside as well.
I did something like this to mine. I found a scrim scarf on a verywell known auction site that closely matched the pattern of my Rex. I measured and cut out a panel about 2″ larger and with a series of safety pins.
VERY carefully pinned it onto the seam around the window. You can still see clear enough out and it’s very difficult to see in.
My wife just bought a Rex for me and I cackled with delight! I promptly put it on and took it outside. It wasn’t hot out, but the sun caused the window to shrivel immediately. Is this normal or should I try to return it?
That’s definitely strange! If it’s defective, maybe do an exchange.
I have just followed your instructions for installing a second fan. Works a treat!