Continued from: From Suburbs to City (Part 1)
Time for an update on our transition from the suburbs to the city! It has been two months since we closed on our new home. Y’all. We’ve been struggling to adjust! The new work commute has been absolute bliss but I’ve grown like a couple dozen new grey hairs…
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The Move
We moved about a week after we closed on the home. The move itself was both smooth and stressful. Our movers were great! They showed up at the house in Pearland at 8am, loaded up what was left of a 4 bedroom house, and trucked it all to the new house in Houston to unload. They navigated two flights of stairs like a boss! But Amelia…oh that girl hated every second of the drive, drooled a gallon of stress drool all over my passenger seat and the new kitchen where I had her blocked off during the move-in. And she refused to eat or go into the backyard for days. Days! Tegan just rolled with it like he was in on the plan all along.
Settling In
It took a solid month to unpack and put everything in its proper place (garage and laundry room not included). Going from four to three bedrooms was easy, but we lost A LOT of closet and cabinet space. So every box unpacked required serious thought, sometimes arguments, and sometimes more trips to Goodwill. We bought a wine fridge, three bookcases, and a lot of acrylic bins just to make it all work. [mDesign Stackable Plastic Kitchen Pantry Cabinet, Refrigerator or Freezer Food Storage Bins with Handles]
The Old House
Meanwhile the house in Pearland needed cleaning up and updating. We waited until after we moved out to go down the list our agent suggested, and that did make things easier. The problem was the distance, and we only had time to work on things on the weekend. We cleaned, repaired, replaced, and repainted so our home would be more neutral and attractive to a wider range of buyers. It took a month of weekends, but we had it on the market by Memorial Day weekend, and before my trip to Budapest. I’m happy to report that we had multiple offers after only one weekend on the market, and we are currently under contract to close by the end of this month! [Related: You Spray Painted What? A Chalkboard Paint (DIY)]
What’s Next
I probably don’t have to tell you that paying mortgages on two houses really sucks. So any rug and art purchases, custom curtain making, or furniture changes will have to wait until after our home in Pearland sells and we can close all of those accounts. I’m literally (okay maybe not literally) bleeding money right now. In the meantime, we have a garage to organize, cabinets to install in the laundry room, wine to review, and costumes to work on. I’ll post another update in two months and we’ll hopefully (fingers crossed) be finished with said rugs, art, curtains, and furniture changes. Please enjoy a wee preview below of our new home as of today.
The “neighborhood watch” Our little wine drinking corner Entryway Living room Kitchen Kitchen window view Kitchen pantry Dining and dry bar Guest bedroom Craft room Laundry Master bedroom sitting area Master bedroom
Moving ain’t for the faint of heart. So glad you guys are through it though and now in the city!
Thank you Bree! Congrats on your new home purchase as well!
It looks SO perfect and much better suited for the two of you. I can’t wait to come see it in person.
Thank you! You’re welcome any time, especially for hurricane parties