It’s Fall, Y’all!
Well, it doesn’t really feel like fall down here in Houston, but we’re ready!! It’s been a busy quarter for me, but when is it ever not?! We’re settled into our new home, I’m sewing like a mad woman, and we’re gearing up for what is already a busy holiday season. Here’s what you may have missed on the blog if you blinked…
This is Red Shoes. Red Wine.’s quarterly newsletter/e-zine, and a short and colorful recap of all the adventures we’ve had this past quarter, blog posts that were published, and a reminder to subscribers of all the goodies hidden in the password protected Subscriber’s Only page (sign-up at the very bottom for the password).
Adventures on Instagram
As a reminder, the best way to get updates and follow day-to-day adventures is to follow me on Instagram. In the past quarter on Instagram, and not yet featured on the blog, are costume building, a Caribbean cruise out of Miami, costume conventions in California and Atlanta, wine tastings and reviews, and our fur babies. Below are the new blog posts published in the past quarter.
New Costuming Blog Posts
Costuming Afternoon Tea Darth Vader
Costume College 2019: A First Timer’s Recap
Hair Cushions: An Experimental Book Review of The American Duchess Guide to 18th Century Beauty
Ghosts of Costumes Past: DragonCon 2013
Ghosts of Costumes Past: DragonCon 2018
Costuming Brianna from Outlander: Season 4 (Patchwork Shirt)
New Food & Wine Blog Posts
Exploring Alentejo Whites with a Portuguese Wine & Food Pairing
New Adventures Blog Posts
Carnival Horizon: So What’s New?
Packing Light: Carry-On for a 7+ Day Cruise
New Happy Home Blog Posts

Subscriber’s Only Page
New to the blog last year is the password protected Subscriber’s Only page, where I’ve collected all my free downloads (packing lists, patterns, wine sheets, and recipes) just for newsletter subscribers. The preview above is a sample of what’s on the page, and I add more as I create new stuff! New in the last quarter are costume patterns and recipes, so check them out! Please come back any time in the future for more!
What’s Coming This Fall
I hope you’re ready! I’m going on a Halloween cruise with some girlfriends, attending Texas Renaissance Festival with new and old costumes, running a half marathon at Disney in Orlando, and going on another cruise for New Year’s Eve. The blog posts I hope to find time for are a review of last year’s wine advent calendar from Vinebox, a recap of some past cruises I haven’t gotten around to yet, quidditch costume builds, and more cruise tips…and really anything else I can squeeze in! If there’s something you’d like me to cover, let me know!

If you’re reading this and would like these quarterly newsletters delivered to your inbox and/or want the password for the Subscriber’s Only page, please enter your email below to sign up. Your inbox is a no spam zone, so don’t worry, I won’t clutter your emails (seriously, once a quarter is it!). I’ll never sell your info, or send you any junk. Promise! And if you’re already a loyal subscriber, you already rock!
Have a happy Fall, everyone!
“It was a beautiful, bright autumn day, with air like cider and a sky so blue you could drown in it.”
– Diana Gabaldon, Outlander
Previous Newsletters/E-Zines
Summer Newsletter & Quarterly Round-Up (2019)
Spring Newsletter & Quarterly Round-Up (2019)
Spring Equinox Newsletter (2018)
Summer Solstice Newsletter (2018)