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I love to read, but I have zero free time to sit down with a book and do so. I usually just listen to audio books in Houston traffic. So when I was called to jury duty last week, I grabbed one of the few printed books I have in the house. I just so happens to be one of my favorite books that I love recommending to other people. Turns out, I have many favorites that I often re-read while waiting for new books to come out (looking at you, George R. R. Martin). I thought I might share what I listen to on Audible in traffic, what I e-read on Kindle while on vacation, and what I collect (and what collects dust) at home.
What I Listen To
I’m currently re-reading The Art of Racing in the Rain: A Novel. Any dog lover should read this story told by the point of view of dog, Enzo. I highly recommend this book but recommend NOT reading the first chapter in public (you will ugly cry). I just finished the latest book in the Shadowhunter series by Cassandra Clare, and before that I enjoyed American Gods: The Tenth Anniversary Edition: A Novel
. I did enjoy listening to A Song of Ice and Fire series by George R. R. Martin. If I only listened to them in traffic, it would take me about a month per book. I will probably have to wait ten years (to never) before his next book is published.
What I E-Read on Vacation
Currently I’m ready to dive into the Harry Potter series by J. K. Rowling. Sure, I’ve seen the movies…but I’ve never actually read the books. Do I lose some geek cred for not having read these? I’ll get there. For the several years prior, I read the Outlander series by Diana Gabaldon. And prior to that when I was still in grad school and not wanting anything heavy, I enjoyed the Black Dagger Brotherhood series by J.R. Ward. Yeah, it’s vampire romance…so what?
What I Collect at Home
Before the days of Kindle and Audible, I collected a few books by some of my favorite authors. I am not embarrassed to say that I loved the Twilight series by Stephenie Meyer. I also loved the pre-Twilight vampire and witchy worlds of Anne Rice. And for reference purposes, I collect wine books (for research…yeah, that’s it) and Roadside Geology of _______ (Texas, Colorado, etc.). I’ve recently started to collect historical reference books, because I learned nothing about history in school and now have a newfound appreciation and curiosity for it.
So what are you reading? And do you have any recommendations for my book club of one?