As my 15th half marathon approaches this weekend (Chevron Marathon and Aramco Half Marathon in Houston) and I begin to mentally withdraw inward to get in the zone needed to finish the race, I find myself reflecting on thoughts that commonly run through my head while running a half marathon. Depending on what mile I’m on it’s positive, negative, or downright nasty. Maybe some of these have run through your head too…

Waiting at the Start Line
The excitement is building and I’m checking my gear, shoelaces, earbuds, playlist, Garmin, and my attitude.
“Stop talking to me, I’m trying to get in the zone.”
“I have to pee.”

Miles 1 through 3
I’m finding my pace while simultaneously weaving around people slower than me (I’m not very fast, so I don’t pass a whole lot of people). I feel like an excited Pomeranian at the dog park chasing big dogs.
“Here we go…this will all be over in 2.5 hours…”
“Move over to the right, please.”
“Too fast, slow down…”
“Hey walkers walking three abreast, move over!”
“Seriously, move over!”

Miles 4 through 6
Feeling good! Whatever happens during this stretch somewhere between a 5k and a 10k is almost completely in robot mode. It goes by very fast, like I find a wormhole completely caught up in a stellar playlist. I do a lot of thinking, and a lot of no thinking at all.
“5k down, 3 more 5ks to go…ish.”
“Jesus look at the port-o-potty line! Nope.”
“Shit, I think I have to pee. Ignore it.”
“Halfway! Wonder when I’ll hit the wall today?”

Miles 7 through 10
This. Is. The. Worst. At some point, and it has been different in every race, I hit a brick wall of eternal suck and hate everything about this dumb sport. I want to kick things but I’m too tired, I want to pull over and take a nap, I want to run into that restaurant and have a glass of wine, and I flip through my stupid playlist of shitty music. And then at some point, I get over it, and everything is fine.
“Time for a goo pack”
“Did a bug just fly in my mouth?”
“Your poster is not funny, sir.”
“There’s the wall, this sucks so much.”
“Fuck this shit.”
“Yep, that old man just passed me.”
“I hate running.”
“Yep, that pregnant woman just passed me.”
“I’m hungry.”
“Just keep going.”
“I’m so tired of this.”
“Rihanna is telling you to shine bright like a diamond, not be a little bitch.”
“Oh, a TAP HERE TO POWER UP poster…yes little man, I need that, thank you!”

Miles 11 through 13.1
Will I speed up or slow down? I’ve done both in this stretch, but regardless I’m almost there. Everyone looks happy. I can see people walking back with their shiny medals. I want one of those!
“Less than a 5k to go…”
“LOL that poster!”
“Everything hurts and nothing hurts simultaneously.”
“One more mile!”
“I need a good song to cross the finish, play Rihanna’s Bitch Better Have My Money.”

After the Race
Done! I’m saving my run, grabbing my medal, and eyeing the crowd for my husband. Things are starting to hurt but I’m oddly happy to be there.
“I need wine and a burger and a bath.”

So what runs through your head while running a half marathon? Let me know in the comments!
More running posts on Red Shoes. Red Wine.
Staying Motivated to Run During Off-Season
A Review of Virtual Strides: Quest for the Lost Scroll
I’ve Run Everywhere, Man: Vacation Running
I’ve Run Everywhere, Man: Destination Racing
What’s in My Bra? Running Gear Review: Can’t Run Without It
Finally Calling Myself a Runner
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I can’t say in polite company. I’ve only done the one and I cried like a baby somewhere between mile 9 and 10 and some nice woman nearby told me so does that every time around mile 11. You’re a much better woman than I for doing this repeatedly. You are my hero!
I once hit the wall at mile 3 in San Antonio, took me 3 miles to shake that off. What a long stupid race that was!
Hey, I am a teenager and I am running the half marathon with my mom. We are not that fast either so, how long does it usually take you to run the half marathon. Also, do you ever stop to walk during it?
Hi Lily! I run intervals (Galloway method) timed by my watch at 90 seconds running and 60 seconds walking. My running pace is about 9-10min/mile and my walking pace is about 12-13min/mile. It takes about 2 and a half hours for me to complete a half. My slowest half marathon at Disney was close to 2 hours and 50 minutes (because we took pictures and had silly fun). You and your mom should have a great time! Hope this helps!
I’m a month away from my first half marathon. I thank you for validating all the thoughts in my head while training and giving me a sneak peek at miles 8.5-13.1 because I haven’t seen those yet.
Hi Stacie! Very excited for you and your first half!! Whatever you’re feeling and thinking in those miles…you’ve earned it, remember it, and YOU GOT THIS!!