Last year I visited The Wizarding World of Harry Potter for the first time. While there, we rode Harry Potter and the Forbidden Journey and shopped at Diagon Alley. Being somewhat of a quidditch costume enthusiast, I was pretty excited to see the full Gryffindor Quidditch costume featured in the ride on display at Quality […]
wizarding world of harry potter
Sewing a Reversible Poodle Skirt

After making four poodle skirts last year for a Halloween cruise, I wanted to make my neice a poodle skirt to wear with Tina and I at a future event. And since she could’nt decide on a llama or Hufflepuff badger, I decided I’d make a two-in-one with a reversible poodle skirt! So following yesterday’s […]
Wizardbounding 1950’s McGonagall

After finishing my McGonagall costume last year, a mountain of a project, I had a lot of spare olive fabric, both striped and pintucked. When we made plans to run a half marathon in Orlando, we also made plans to visit Wizarding World of Harry Potter. I wasn’t sure wizardbounding was a thing, but I […]