It’s Fall, Y’all! Well, it doesn’t really feel like fall down here in Houston, but we’re ready!! It’s been a busy quarter for me, but when is it ever not?! We’re settled into our new home, I’m sewing like a mad woman, and we’re gearing up for what is already a busy holiday season. Here’s […]
Summer Newsletter & Quarterly Round-Up

Happy Summer! Has it really been three months?! We’ve been so busy with the move, getting our old home ready for the market, and squeezing in a few trips that these past three months have flown! As I write this I’m on a cruise ship somewhere in the southern Caribbean, and it has been a […]
Bourbon & Bites: A Louisville, Kentucky Trip Report

A guest blog post by Tracy As we’d yet to visit the state of Kentucky, we flew to Louisville this past March for what would turn out to be a fun‐filled weekend in the Bluegrass State. Louisville has a ton to offer, including (of course!) Churchill Downs, the site of the world-famous Kentucky Derby held each […]
Spring Newsletter & Quarterly Round-Up

Happy Spring! We’re moving! Not the blog, don’t worry. My husband and I are selling our home in the suburbs and moving closer to Downtown Houston this Spring. So I hope you’ll tolerate and forgive less-than-punctual blog posts, newsletters, and basically me forgetting to brush my teeth until this transition is over. I’m seriously sleep […]
Packing Light: My Toiletry Kit

A short road trip with a good friend and late night wine fueled girls cruise planning prompted me to share not only packing light in general (you know I never check a bag) but more specifically, my toiletry kit. It’s small, packed with ALL the necessities, fits ridiculously well in between shoes in a carry-on […]
Tunnel Geology: A Self-Guided Walking Tour of Downtown Houston’s Buildings (Teal Tunnel)

I’ve worked in the oil & gas industry in Downtown Houston for over 15 years. Like many others, every day I walk through tunnels on and surrounded by lovely rocks, minerals, and fossils without a second thought. Though we may not have mountains in this part of the state, we have a stunning skyline and […]
Cruising With Kids: Sea Days and Kids Camp

We cruise A LOT, and sometimes cruise with other families. We don’t have kids of our own, so I’ve asked my dearest friend and fellow cruise mate Tabitha, who has been cruising with her kids since they were wee toddlers, to share what you need to know about cruising with kids. This is the third […]
Cruising With Kids: Preparing for the Cruise and Excursions

We cruise A LOT, and sometimes cruise with other families. We don’t have kids of our own, so I’ve asked my dearest friend and fellow cruise mate Tabitha, who has been cruising with her kids since they were wee toddlers, to share what you need to know about cruising with kids. This is the second […]
Cruising With Kids: Planning, Accommodations, and Boarding

We cruise A LOT, and sometimes cruise with other families. We don’t have kids of our own, so I’ve asked my dearest friend and fellow cruise mate Tabitha, who has been cruising with her kids since they were wee toddlers, to share what you need to know about cruising with kids. This is one of […]
Winter Solstice Newsletter

Happy Winter Solstice! This is Red Shoes. Red Wine.‘s quarterly newsletter/e-zine, the fourth of its kind on the blog: a short and colorful recap of all the adventures we’ve had this past quarter, blog posts that were published, and a reminder to subscribers of all the goodies hidden in the password protected Subscriber’s Only page (sign-up at the […]