With my tendancy to kill repurpose curtains, the curtain dress from The Carol Burnett Show “Went With the Wind” skit was always a dream costume for me. I’ve almost bought the civil war dress pattern several times, I just couldn’t bring myself to wear that many velvet curtains…it looks too uncomfortably hot to wear! So […]
What the Adidas Are You Wearing?

Those who know, know. But for everyone else wondering “what’s the deal with all the Adidas?”, here’s a little story about the ridiculousness that has three-striped my life (and a few costumes), so you can be in on the inside joke too. It all started a few years ago before a transatlantic flight from Houston […]
Costuming Quidditch from Harry Potter: The Uniform

“Those cunning folk use any means to achieve their ends.” And so we did. We made a damn near close to film version of Slytherin quidditch robes from Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince using screenshots, pitcures from studio tours, and striped sheets from Amazon. I am smugly proud of these uniforms, and I’m pleased […]
Costuming Quidditch from Harry Potter: Training Robes

Before heading to DragonCon last year, I made three Slytherin quidditch uniforms for myself, my husband, and my bro/fellow costume maker Aimee. Deciding we’d eventually need emotional support Hufflepuffs, I had my niece cut the pattern/fabric pieces for herself and our friend Katy. And then earlier this year I made a matching Ravenclaw uniform for […]