As if I don’t have enough Claire costumes from Outlander, I have one from season 3 that is unfinished, and since the beginning I wanted to put together this casual costume she wears in the first episode of season 1. Claire was a nurse in the 1940s and when World War II ended, she found […]
Costuming Vikings: The Style

Inspired by the show Vikings, some truly bad ass costumes I’ve seen at Texas Renaissance Festival and on Pinterest, and wanting to wear a costume in the freezing winds of the Orkney Islands, I began researching Viking costumes with a smidgen of historical accuracy. I made three viking dresses, embellished two sets of tunics, and assembled/made […]
Costuming Vikings: The Cape

Inspired by the show Vikings, some truly bad ass costumes I’ve seen at Texas Renaissance Festival and on Pinterest, and wanting to wear a costume in the freezing winds of the Orkney Islands, I began researching Viking costumes with a smidgen of historical accuracy. I made three viking dresses, embellished two sets of tunics, and assembled/made […]
Costuming Vikings: The Accessories

Inspired by the show Vikings, some truly bad ass costumes I’ve seen at Texas Renaissance Festival and on Pinterest, and wanting to wear a costume in the freezing winds of the Orkney Islands, I began researching Viking costumes with a smidgen of historical accuracy. I made three viking dresses, embellished two sets of tunics, and assembled/made […]
Costuming Vikings: The Tunics

Inspired by the show Vikings, some truly bad ass costumes I’ve seen at Texas Renaissance Festival and on Pinterest, and wanting to wear a costume in the freezing winds of the Orkney Islands, I began researching Viking costumes with a smidgen of historical accuracy. I made three viking dresses, embellished two sets of tunics, and assembled/made […]
Costuming Vikings: The Dresses

Inspired by the show Vikings, some truly bad ass costumes I’ve seen at Texas Renaissance Festival and on Pinterest, and wanting to wear a costume in the freezing winds of the Orkney Islands, I began researching Viking costumes with a smidgen of historical accuracy. I made three viking dresses, embellished two sets of tunics, and […]
Druid Lantern Tutorial Featured in Faerie Magazine

I never imaged I’d be in or have something of mine featured in a magazine…but it’s happening! Faerie Magazine found my wee blog and has featured my Druid Lantern Tutorial in their Autumn 2018 Outlander Issue out this month! My original Druid lantern tutorial blog post can be found here: Outlander Inspired Druid […]
Costuming Jack Randall from Outlander: Accessories

It’s no secret I’m a huge fan of Diana Gabaldon’s Outlander novels (and Outlander series on Starz), as I have made, purchased, and worn many Claire costumes and accessories. But special points to my husband for putting up with my sewing/costuming madness, and for getting talked into wearing Oulander’s main villain, Captain Black Jack Randall’s […]
Costuming Jack Randall from Outlander: Waistcoat & Coat

It’s no secret I’m a huge fan of Diana Gabaldon’s Outlander novels (and Outlander series on Starz), as I have made, purchased, and worn many Claire costumes and accessories. But special points to my husband for putting up with my sewing/costuming madness, and for getting talked into wearing Oulander’s main villain, Captain Black Jack Randall’s […]
Costuming Jack Randall from Outlander: Shirt & Pants

It’s no secret I’m a huge fan of Diana Gabaldon’s Outlander novels (and Outlander series on Starz), as I have made, purchased, and worn many Claire costumes and accessories. But special points to my husband for putting up with my sewing/costuming madness, and for getting talked into wearing Oulander’s main villain, Captain Black Jack Randall’s […]