Comicpalooza, Texas’ largest comic book, pop culture, and entertainment convention, happened over the weekend (May 12-14, 2017) in Downtown Houston. I attended all three days and treated it as a costume deadline and cosplay dress rehearsal for the larger convention that we attend, DragonCon during Labor Day weekend in Atlanta, Georgia. It was a good […]
Costuming a Barbarian at Texas Renaissance Festival

Texas Renaissance Festival (TRF for short) runs every year during October and November in Todd Mission, Texas (just north of Houston). There is something for everyone! Costuming, jousting and other shows, shopping for handcrafts, festival eating, people watching, and wine/mead drinking. As a casual costumer, I try to play along with their themed weekends (Oktoberfest, […]
Costuming Claire from Outlander: Season 1

My mother tried to get me to read Outlander by Diana Gabaldon for 20 years. So after it aired on Starz, I quit resisting my mother and read the first book. I was hooked! Hooked on the show and hooked on the novels (which took two years to read). I love the character of Claire […]
Why I Blog (Well…Why Not?)

I want to start the new year by reintroducing myself and why I’m here. By the 12 month milestone, my blogging peers have followers in the thousands, fill their calendars with sponsored posts, and hustle like nothing I’ve ever seen. Me? I’m just getting warmed up. I’ve been blogging for about 16 months now. If […]
Quilting Outside the Box

After learning how to quilt with a simple, yet chaotic pattern, I wanted to experiment with scrap quilting. Is it silly to purchase perfectly good fabric, cut it up, and sew it back together? From that perspective, yes, it is silly. But quilting is a therapeutic hobby and an art that I’ll probably never master. […]
Quilting: the Final Frontier

What new hobby does one learn when working full time, making costumes for fun, DIY around the house, and travelling like a rock star? Oh I know: quilting. Said no one…except me! I knew it would be a huge undertaking, even for the smallest of baby quilts. Thankfully I have a friend who sews like […]
Costuming a Senator from 300

About two years ago I joined a fitness/costume group that gathers once a year at DragonCon in Atlanta. My husband, being the supportive gentleman that he is, joined the group about a year ago. I had planned on making an Immortal costume for him but I just couldn’t get it together in time. Instead I […]
Camera Strap Cover (DIY)

Off the rack camera straps are so last year. When I got a new camera and couldn’t find a Coach or Vera Bradley strap cover for the Nikon, I was inspired by Pinterest to make my own moderately fashionable camera strap cover. I have plenty of scrap fabrics from previous projects (GoT dress and dog Derby […]
Costuming Das Sound Machine from Pitch Perfect 2

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Costuming Artemisia from 300: Rise of an Empire

About a year ago I joined a fitness group (well…a fitness group with an interest in cosplay) that gets together once a year for DragonCon in Atlanta. When I joined I just wanted to stay on the perimeter and be the introvert that I am. As a newer member of the Spartans (300dc), I thought […]