After a year and a half of this pandmic, we were finally able to attend a convention, and we were so. ready! Comicpalooza, Texas’ largest comic book, pop culture, and entertainment convention, happened last month in Downtown Houston. We attended both days, enjoyed local geekery during the weekend, and I proudly welcomes several friends for […]
Comicpalooza 2021: The Countdown Is On!

The end of the pandmic is finally in sight, and Comicpalooza, Texas’ largest comic book, pop culture, and entertainment convention, is happening in 10 days in Downtown Houston. And after such a long hiatus we. are. ready! Well, almost ready, as I’m still working on a new cosplay to wear to the convention. Here’s what […]
Cosplay and Cocktails

Over the weekend I had the pleasure of happy houring with Jessi and Paige of Cosplay and Cocktails as they interviewed me about our hobby. We talked origins, faves, and future cosplans. They are so much fun! Check out the podcast below… Listen to Episode 27: Ghostbusters, the Gateway Drug Listen on Apple Podcasts Listen […]