Following last month’s post on making my loblolly witch hat and yesterday’s post on making my pine cone dress, today I’m sharing the rest of the photos from a quick after-work shoot in a local park. Loblolly pines are native to the Houston area (my home), thus the silly name for this unique costume that […]
Making My Loblolly Pine Cone Dress

“I want to be a pine cone for Halloween!” isn’t something a 40-something year old woman would normally say, but here we are in the alternate universe of 2020 when you don’t ask “but why tho?” you just roll with things. But seriously, why? I was scrolling Pinterest for costume inspiration for me to wear […]
Chic Dinosaur Planter (DIY)

I impulse shop, often. But I wasn’t about to pay $30 for a majestic golden dinosaur planter at my local specialty food store. I recreated the look for about $10 instead. This was stupid easy. I bought a rubber dinosaur (about the length of my hand) at a craft store. I made sure […]
Painted Rock Magnets (DIY)

What on earth are you going to do with all those silly little pebbles you and your kids pick up on vacation? Might I suggest turning those natural souvenirs into fridge magnets to enjoy daily. Here’s what you’ll need: Rocks (look for at least one flat side) E6000 adhesive High magnetic strength ceramic magnet discs […]
Wine Barrel Bed for a Little Dog in a Big Dog’s Body

On impulse, I bought a quarter wine barrel at Wimberly Winery, a winery in the Texas Hill Country. Sure, most people would plant something in it, but I felt like it was a good size for a dog bed. We already have a wine barrel bistro table that I made from a Becker Vineyards barrel, […]
Easy, Breezy, Beautiful Wine Barrel Bistro Table

My favorite impulse buy during a weekend in the Texas Hill Country was a used wine barrel. I bought it from Becker Vineyards in Fredericksburg for $100, hoisted it into the back of my SUV, and drove that mother home. I knew I wanted to convert it into a bistro table for the breakfast area, […]
Costuming Artemisia from 300: Rise of an Empire

About a year ago I joined a fitness group (well…a fitness group with an interest in cosplay) that gets together once a year for DragonCon in Atlanta. When I joined I just wanted to stay on the perimeter and be the introvert that I am. As a newer member of the Spartans (300dc), I thought […]
The Evolution of a Laundry Room to Butler’s Wine Pantry

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