It’s Fall, Y’all! Well, it doesn’t really feel like fall down here in Houston, but we’re ready!! It’s been a busy quarter for me, but when is it ever not?! We’re settled into our new home, I’m sewing like a mad woman, and we’re gearing up for what is already a busy holiday season. Here’s […]
packing list
Cruise Tips Round-Up

I cruise…a lot, and evidently I’ve written a lot of blog posts full of cruise tips and adventures. For my friends getting ready for their first time on a cruise overwhelmed by all the planning and possibilities, and for my fellow seasoned veteran cruisers: I’ve gathered my favorite cruise blog posts below for easy reference. […]
Packing Light: Carry-On for a 7+ Day Cruise

Could you do it? Packing for a week long (or more) cruise in only a carry-on suitcase might seem impossible, but I’m here to remind you it is not! I recently got back from an 8 day cruise (with 3 days spent in Miami) with only my backpack and carry-on rolling suitcase and people were […]
Summer Newsletter & Quarterly Round-Up

Happy Summer! Has it really been three months?! We’ve been so busy with the move, getting our old home ready for the market, and squeezing in a few trips that these past three months have flown! As I write this I’m on a cruise ship somewhere in the southern Caribbean, and it has been a […]
Spring Newsletter & Quarterly Round-Up

Happy Spring! We’re moving! Not the blog, don’t worry. My husband and I are selling our home in the suburbs and moving closer to Downtown Houston this Spring. So I hope you’ll tolerate and forgive less-than-punctual blog posts, newsletters, and basically me forgetting to brush my teeth until this transition is over. I’m seriously sleep […]
Winter Solstice Newsletter

Happy Winter Solstice! This is Red Shoes. Red Wine.‘s quarterly newsletter/e-zine, the fourth of its kind on the blog: a short and colorful recap of all the adventures we’ve had this past quarter, blog posts that were published, and a reminder to subscribers of all the goodies hidden in the password protected Subscriber’s Only page (sign-up at the […]
Autumnal Equinox Newsletter

Happy Autumnal Equinox! This is Red Shoes. Red Wine.‘s quarterly newsletter/e-zine, the second of its kind on the blog: a short and colorful recap of all the adventures we’ve had this past quarter, blog posts that were published, and a reminder to subscribers of all the goodies hidden in the password protected Subscriber’s Only page (sign-up at […]
Summer Solstice Newsletter

Happy Summer Solstice! This is Red Shoes. Red Wine.‘s quarterly newsletter/e-zine, the second of its kind on the blog: a short and colorful recap of all the adventures we’ve had this past quarter, blog posts that were published, and a reminder to subscribers of all the goodies hidden in the password protected Subscriber’s Only page (sign-up at […]
Spring Equinox Newsletter

Happy Spring Equinox! This is Red Shoes. Red Wine.‘s quarterly newsletter/zine, the first of its kind on the blog: a short and colorful recap of all the adventures we’ve had this past quarter, blog posts that were published, and a reminder to subscribers of all the goodies hidden in the password protected Subscriber’s Only page […]
How I Maximize Relaxation & Fun on Cruise Sea Days

I’ve mentioned many, many, many times that I’m the most happy on a cruise ship. One of the things I look forward to the most are sea days. Sea days are free from schedules and responsibilities, and rather than thinking I’m “stuck” on the ship, I embrace the solitude of the open sea and nowhere […]