Fun fact: I was born on the island and married on the island. Galveston, Texas holds a special place in my heart, and I visit as often as possible. I love its history and its quirks. Unlike other well known beaches, our waters are brown. They’re not dirty (per se), it’s just that the choppy […]
mississippi river
Visiting Oak Alley Plantation near New Orleans

Usually when I visit New Orleans (read about highlights here), I drive there from Houston. An easy detour on the way there or back is a stop at one of Louisiana’s iconic plantations, Oak Alley Plantation. This antebellum plantation, featured in Interview with a Vampire, is as lovely in person as it was on film. […]
Visiting New Orleans in a Weekend

I find myself in New Orleans at least once a year, sometimes for business, sometimes pleasure. Recently, I’ve visited the The Big Easy for races (5k and half-marathons). No matter the reason, I’m at home in this charming city, and each time I explore it as a tourist and as a local (okay, frequent visitor). What I recommend […]