When a representative from The Original ScrapBox contacted me about being a feature in their Meet the Maker series, I was honored to be asked, proud to share my craft room and hobbies, and terrified to be on camera. I’m way too shy for this kind of thing! But the representative was so sweet and accommodating, the process of having a film crew in my home wasn’t too scary, and seeing my face on their blog today was not as cringey as I thought it would be.
I’m not a partner or affiliate, they actually found me from a review I had posted on my blog (read From Dead Curtain to Craft Room here) last year and were in my area filming two other makers. I think I immediately got hives but agreed to let them come by after work that day. I love my ScrapBox WorkBox 3.0 very much and was happy to show it off!
The feature includes both a written and video interview, with some of my favorite projects on display. I hope you enjoy it as much as I enjoyed sharing! See the Meet The Maker: Sheila Echols-Smesny of Red Shoes Red Wine feature here: https://www.theoriginalscrapbox.com/blogs/news/meet-the-maker-sheila-echols-smesny-of-red-shoes-red-wine
And thank you for stopping by!

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