Sheila is a geo-cartographer, world traveler, cruiser, wine enthusiast, costumer, sewist, runner, shopaholic, camper/hiker, nerd, wife, and dog mom. On the blog you’ll find travel and cruise tips, wine pairing and reviews, costume and sewing tutorials, and everything in between! Scroll for more about Sheila…

About Me
I cannot sit still. I seriously can’t function unless I have multiple things clouding my brain. Some people might call me a busybody, an overachiever, or someone with a short attention span. I may not necessarily disagree with those people. While I tend to stay away from any one label, I will admit to having many hobbies and interests. I have more projects than I have time for, and I want to see more of the world than I can afford.
I’m a typical nine-to-fiver and caffeine lover. I have a Bachelor of Science in Geology and an Executive MBA so naturally, living in Houston, I work in the energy industry. I’m a geo-cartographer by day, and while I love my work, I can’t wait to get out of there. I work to live and I work to vacation. Almost every weekend is filled with races, projects or trips.
As far as labels go, and in no particular order, I’m a cartographer, rock-licker (geologist to you non-believers), costumer, DIYer, world traveler, cruiser, party host, nerd, Anglophile, Whovian, Trekkie, runner, wine enthusiast (ok…wino), foodie, dog mom, wife, camper/hiker, OCD organizer, and shopaholic.
I am by no means an expert in anything, but I dabble in many fun things that are worth sharing. I post recipes for canning & preserving, costuming projects, adventures in food & wine, fun with my fur babies, glamping trips, DIY in my happy home, my journey with health & fitness, hosting parties, and tales from my travels.

Contact Me & Social Media
Inquiries or to request a Media Kit
Sheila Echols-Smesny
sheila@redshoesredwine dot com
Not accepting costume commissions. Read more…
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A Reintroduction to Sheila, January 2017

Blog Introduction, September 2015
Jack of All Trades, Master of None

Red Shoes. Red Wine. is a personal blog written and edited by Sheila Echols-Smesny. But on occasion, Red Shoes. Red Wine. accepts guest blog posts, photos, and other fun content, all considered on a case by case basis. Frequent guest contributors are featured here!
Red Shoes. Red Wine. may use affiliate links. If you click an affiliate link and make a purchase, we will earn a small commission for the referral at no cost to you. Read more…
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