A guest blog post by Tracy How can two Americans possibly regard themselves as well-traveled if they’ve never been to Los Angeles? I don’t believe they can. Despite visits to multiple California cities over the years, we’d somehow never made it to L.A., and so we finally corrected this oversite last February. As I’m sure […]
Guest Blog Posts
Costuming Rey from Star Wars: Belt & Accessories

Little girls and grown women alike were inspired by Rey in Star Wars: The Force Awakens. So naturally, we want to build/buy/wear the costume(s), right? You may find the scavenger outfit all over the place, but my friend Aimee Miller wanted to wear the outfit Rey has on at the very end of the film, known […]
Costuming Rey from Star Wars: Jacket & Gauntlets

Little girls and grown women alike were inspired by Rey in Star Wars: The Force Awakens. So naturally, we want to build/buy/wear the costume(s), right? You may find the scavenger outfit all over the place, but my friend Aimee Miller wanted to wear the outfit Rey has on at the very end of the film, known […]
Costuming Rey from Star Wars: Shirt & Pants

Little girls and grown women alike were inspired by Rey in Star Wars: The Force Awakens. So naturally, we want to build/buy/wear the costume(s), right? You may find the scavenger outfit all over the place, but my friend Aimee Miller wanted to wear the outfit Rey has on at the very end of the film, known […]
Kansas City, You Shocked the Hell out of Me!

A guest blog post by Tracy A couple of years ago, my boyfriend, Steve, surprised me with a weekend in Kansas City. I was initially taken aback since this wasn’t a destination I’d ever really considered. As a bit of a foodie, Kansas City – to me – symbolized barbecue first and foremost. There’s no […]
Aspen Food & Wine Classic (Is Winefesting a Verb?)

A guest blog post by Tracy Continued from Aspen Food & Wine Classic (Aspen: Not Just for Bears and Rich People) Now, let’s get to the important business of food and winefesting (if you will)! I must say I was incredibly impressed with the organization of the entire weekend, although perhaps I shouldn’t have […]
Aspen Food & Wine Classic (Aspen: Not Just for Bears and Rich People)

A guest blog post by Tracy NEWS FLASH…Aspen is Fabulous! Perhaps that’s not exactly breaking news. After all, you don’t earn a reputation for hosting the rich and famous without a damn good reason. And while I’ve never visited in winter when the snowbirds flock by the thousands to ski Aspen’s renowned slopes, I can […]
Capturing Savannah: A Photo Tour Review

A guest blog post by Tracy Waking at 5:00 a.m. while on vacation is not generally my idea of a good time. As the alarm so rudely blared that Tuesday morning, I wondered what on Earth had possessed me to schedule a tour at such an ungodly hour. I was still questioning myself as I […]
Raising the Game

A guest blog post by Tracy Autumn is on the horizon…that beautiful time of year when temperatures begin to drop, jackets make a highly anticipated reappearance, trees commence their annual transformation to rich, golden colors, and there’s a delightful crispness in the air that can only mean one thing. Wait…what??? I live in Houston. None […]
How to Increase Your T. Rex Suit Awesomeness

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