After the Fetes Galantes ball at Versailles was cancelled two years in a row due to the pandemic, I wanted to put my red robe à la française to good use for DragonCon in Atlanta. And my friends Jessi and Paige from Cosplay and Cocktails inspired me to make my own Rococo costume(s) with a geeky twist, so I decided Georgian/Rococo/18th century Thor and Loki would happen! I’d lend my red gown to my friend Katy for Thor, and I’d made a new black gown for myself for Loki. Since this is a cosplay/costume, I felt I could color outside the historically accurate lines as much as I wanted.
[Related: 18th Century Inspired Makeup Tutorial]
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For my wig, I was heavily inspired by Marie Antoinette (2006), though originally I thought I’d go 1760s like my gowns. To wrap my brain around how to achive Kirsten Dunst’s look, I read the American Duchess section book on wig styling for several decades in the 18th century, watched a few YouTube videos by historical stylists (my favorite is here by CrowsEyeProductions) as well as drag queens (my favorite is here by onlinekyne), and kind of combined what I had learned. I bought a cheap(ish) synthetic lace front wig and some other supplies to get me started.
Wig stand: GEX 20″-24″ Cork Canvas Block Head Mannequin Head Wig Display Styling Head With Mount Hole (22″)
Growing up in a hair salon (my mom was a hair dresser), I knew that dirty hair is easier to style for up-dos. So I sprayed and gelled my wig repeatedly, and let dry. My wig was wavy, but I wanted a tighter curl so I sectioned the hair with clips and rolled everything with perm rollers. THEN the coolest thing was steaming the rollers/hair and letting cool overnight. That totally worked and I didn’t need to boil anything (like I had seen in some videos).
I brushed out and re-sectioned the hair, and worked from the front back. This part went so fast! I merged the techniques of onlinekyne and CrowsEyeProductions by adding several cushions to the top, back combing and pinning around the cushions, then barrel curls in the back. They made it look easy, and it was!!
Once everything was rolled and pinned (and pinned and PINNED!), I sprayed the hell out of the wig with hairspray and cut the lace front off. And then…
I spray painted it!! I found an old blog post by Lauren from American Duchess when she restyled and sprayed a cheap costume wig to look more historically accurate. Brilliant! Now keep in mind: my 18th century Loki is a costume, and I want it to be a little off-putting. And I don’t ever plan on restyling the wig for something else. So I sprayed with with Mod Podge as a very strong hair spray and then lightly dusted the wig with Rustoleum Chalked spray paint in Linen, concentrating a little bit more on the hairline. Now I have a permanantly powered wig, without the powder. No regrets!
Mod podge: Mod Podge Clear Acrylic Sealer, 12 ounce, Matte 12 ounce

With the styling and setting done, I had a grand ol’ time making two hair clips with peonies and other flowers from my stash, ostrich feathers, ribbon, and a healthy amount of hot glue.
Flowers: SHINE-CO LIGHTING Fake Peony Silk Flowers Bouquet Glorious Moral for Home Office Parties and Wedding
Ostrich feathers: CENFRY 10pcs Ostrich Feathers 14-16inch Plumes for Wedding Centerpieces Home Decoration (Black)
Pheasant feathers: Celine lin 10PCS Natural Pheasant Feathers Pheasant Tails 14-16inch(35-40CM)
Clips: Goody Snap Hair Clips, Medium, Sandswirl
Of most importance, to me, is the two golden pheasant feathers that I curved and spray painted gold. I didn’t want to wear my Loki horns with this and take away from the gown, so this was a lighter alternative. I arranged ostrich feathers and flowers, and a little bit of ribbon for each side (behind the ears, somewhat) of the wig. I used the clips to help secure the two pieces in place, and more bobby pins as needed.

And it was done! In retrospect, I should’ve fit tested the wig around my ears a little better, as this wig sat a little over the ears on me, which was fine for DragonCon this year, but I may make a wee little snip to it before I wear it again…and I WILL. Here’s a preview below of our Avengers trio: Thor, Loki (me), and Hawkeye! What do you think?
[Related: Sewing My First Robe à la Française]

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